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Code: KB-EN-EL-02
Publish time: Monday 27 August 2012

What should be considered To increase laptop battery life

Today, almost all KampyvtrھAy portable player DstgaھھAy Music, calls Phone Jammer, the need for a reliable power source Portable camera calls Digital and ... JھT are having portability and reliability.

ھA device and system resources required JھT energy can ھA RaھھAy And the capacity to provide a variety of different calls.

The current design calls batteries, now available in a variety of sizes and applications Are calls rechargeable battery types are defined by the capacity and lifetime of calls Different.

In an essay in which you make calls we try to check the rechargeable battery and Used Laptop ھA and also provide maintenance and services on their RaھKar and tips TrfndھAy increase battery life and charging time and baseline characteristics and identify Battery ھA KhvaھYm payment.

We hope you will follow this article, the use and BھYnh Consent to the use of laptop battery used NھAyt ShbھAt to questions in this area A remarkable given us your Jammer.

First, the types of calls that can be a better battery Charge have little familiarity.

Calls rechargeable battery types:

Nickel Cadmium

The batteries are rechargeable ھA the oldest battery calls today due to toxic Cadmium and its compounds are becoming obsolete, less production are used. Their profile can be quickly recharged noted above.

This should not be completely discharged before charging them, which fortunately The property fails

Generate and use this kind of battery is in the laptop ھA.

Nickel metal ھYbrydy

The advantage of this type of Ni-Cd batteries ھA ھA a higher charge capacity of the Said. Compared to Ni-Cd

Need to be fully discharged JھT can not charge them any time to Charge.

Calls in the same capacity than Ni-Cd ھA required JھT more time for full charging and therefore produce more heat during charge Are.


These two species compared to previous battery technology ھA Brvztr and types DstgaھھAy are portable use. Do not necessarily need to be fully discharged Lower domestic consumption, long life cycle, charge them more, and they Depending on how you are using.

Lithium Polymer

Manufacturing process such as the Li-Ion battery ھA ھA same ھA differences in resistance Less internal size and lower weight, longer life is short.

This type of battery mobile DstgaھھAy AbzarھAyy ھA usually requires an energy source Low volumes are used.

Also calls on some laptop Ultra Portable, smaller in diameter than a laptop calls They are normally used.

When you buy a laptop battery, you should try to factor it in DھYd been important priorities, ie MھMtryn good use of laptop functionality The battery is removable and if calls are buying High End Laptops and Desktop Replacement The concept is great, but when you need a laptop AھMyty during Transport and travel have used battery you will find great value .

We'll also examine the internal structure of a battery, laptop battery usually packages Laptops number but slightly larger and with higher voltage and capacity) and calls cell AA battery (like Calls to the AA size batteries, a control circuit, charge / discharge and an internal thermal fuse there A.

Most laptop batteries are lithium-type calls today too. Manufacturers of PROCESS, the Close to both series and parallel cells, battery voltage and current to the desired Arrive.

Suppose a 6-cell battery with a voltage of 11.1 volts and current to 4400 mA We present how these numbers have 6-cell batteries?

The answer is simple!

Each cell has an output voltage of 3.7 V, and the 2200 mAh battery is inside Batteries have 2 rows of closed-flops are connected together in parallel, and each row Is closed in both series:

11.1 Volts 4400 mAh = 2200 + 2200 = 3 x 3.7

Close the battery voltage series ھA ھA gather close together and parallel to the collector ھA Are.

However, several years ago, according to a major recall of Sony batteries purchased ھAyy company, Sony calls the problem of overheating and battery explosion has been reported but both of Calls cell battery products and Sony's high up does ھA

RaھKarھA and TrfndھAy increase laptop battery life You are here:

The battery life of your laptop JھT TrfndھAy RaھKarھA and well-studied That will provide KhvaھYm.

In the first case, consider buying a laptop, new battery usually has some energy First, the amount of charge due to the long term maintenance Time zero.

Because some products may or MaھھA ھA weeks left in stock Stay and the internal resistance of the battery is an energy drain. If the new battery ھYch stored energy is no long-term maintenance, damage The battery cells.

After purchasing a laptop you can use the same amount of the original charge and the open You need to recharge the battery DھYd do.

Thought And the mistaken belief that it calls lithium batteries like nickel cadmium batteries need calls Charge the initial 12 hours, you do not need it for your laptop battery Of course doing this will reduce the life of your battery

The first thing you should consider is that the battery needs Do not use it, especially when they're at home and urban access to electricity If you do any of the battery charge and discharge (full and empty) can reduce the life cycle of the battery Over time, the battery will spoil you want.

Lytymvmy between 300-600 charge cycles the battery has any charge and discharge times after The number of times over the amount of energy will be reduced to zero and the .

In such cases, remove the laptop battery and connect the adapter (charger) Laptop Their use. How many calls every modern laptop has an internal control circuit JھT Test batteries are fully charged and when the battery is charging and discharging of the battery separator Are, however, both the laptop and having little connection to input pin calls Domestic consumption will be discharged.

ھMvarh keep down the temperature of your laptop battery, it can RvzھA TھYh A cool action CoolPad laptop battery does take away from the warming Hold. With increasing temperature, the battery consumption to increase and Temperatures will also result in reduced battery life.

Each month the pin junction calls and laptop battery clean with alcohol, it causes Transfer flow is better and less pressure to bring the battery terminal.

Remember, every time you need to charge the battery when not in non- Necessary to continue the review process JھT useful to keep and extend battery life Laptops will introduce you KhvaھYm.

If you're constantly at home or work and you do not need this much power Process can reduce the battery life of your laptop to reasonably prevent.

Consumers in more parts of the laptop ھA Cases are summarized:

Display **

* DVD drive

ھArd drive **

* CPU and graphics Graphic

In each of these four components, you can use the said RaھKarھAy It can lower your energy field and especially Windows7 operating system can To help you get the right resources to properly manage.

Right-click the Power Options icon in the battery was want, today A typical computer user does not need to explain ھA this option, we only introduce ھA Plan explains how to set preferences.

There is a setting in Windows 7 Tuesday Plan. High Performance and Balanced and Power Saver, each of which is determined from their name, how they manage power consumption How do ھDayt system resources.

You can customize it according to DھYd ھA Plan. Can the amount of power Limit Process CPU fan, laptop Active or Passive, or power port calls USB wireless antenna close and also the power to set and ... .

Plan is that you can enter by clicking on the Change Plan Settings menu. Plan options as well such as light ھRmvardy Change Advanced Power Settings page changes If ھAybrnyt Brvyv then click Set up carefully in terms of their use. Standby time ھMvarh display and try to keep the battery charge level remains Check the battery charge if you need to deal with outages NagھAny Do not.

For low battery, alarm and post-alarm warning can and operation of the Power Options Please adjust the settings so that when you finish it on ھAybrnyt Energy Project ھA and remember to save your document.
Last update: Sunday 2 September 2012 11:22:20